
What is elucidate?

Very briefly, this project is the result of the arXiv Accessibility Forum, held in April 2023. It aims to provide the tools necessary to ease the transition from LaTeX to HTML, which imposes more structure on documents and is, therefore, easier for assistive technology like screen readers to parse in a useful way.

This project is still under construction and will need revisions and edits in the future. Treat it as a living document, with the understanding that the authors are learning about this topic for the first time, too. If you see a problem or want to give feedback, head over to the GitHub page and create an issue or pull request.

Logo explanation

The elucidate logo is composed of a single piece of information, Euler's identity, a famous and fundamental result of mathematics. The formula is presented in the logo via LaTeX typeset math, MathML math markup, and a verbal description of the result, written in Braille. The core message is that there are many ways to present the same information, and that modern accessibility tools should be used to ensure anyone can consume the result.

Incidentally, Leonhard Euler, who discovered the identity in the logo, was almost blind in both eyes, with his eyesight deteriorating over the course of his career. Help from scribes allowed him to continue contributing to the mathematical literature. Euler is such a fundamental figure of math that imagining the field today without his impact is impossible. Visual impairment should never be an obstacle to full participation in any area of STEM.