  • LaTeX to MathML tool

    Modern browsers can parse MathML, a markup similar to HTML for encoding math formulae, with no additional Javascript or extensions. They cannot parse LaTeX natively, though LaTeX is arguably a far more succinct format and is already widely used by academics in STEM fields. This tool bridges that gap by generating the MathML equivalent of one or more input LaTeX equations.

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    Screenshot of the LaTeX to MathML tool being used in a browser
  • Colormap designer tool

    The human eye naturally perceives some colors, like green, as "brighter" than others. Using colormaps that rely on a linear progression of color hue introduces visual artifacts in scientific plots that may mislead the audience unintentionally. Those with color vision deficiency (CVD) may have even more trouble with this kind of colormap. There are many popular colormaps freely available that are perceptually uniform, so their brightness increases linearly even if all color information is removed. If you're feeling especially creative, you can use this tool to generate your own maps that are (approximately) perceptually uniform.

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    Screenshot of the Colormap designer tool being used in a browser